- 11 January
- 18 January
- 25 January
- 1 February
- 8 February
- 15 February
- 1 March
- 8 March
- 15 March
- 22 March
- 29 March
- 5 April
11 January
- Palaeography and Book Circulation
- Types of Scripts
- Digital Texts
- Bischoff, ‘Writing materials and writing tools’
18 January
- Inscriptions and Manuscripts
- Rustic Capitals and Square Capitals
- Scribes and Scholars, ch. 1–2
- Bischoff, ‘The external characteristics of the written heritage’
- Bischoff, ‘Latin script in antiquity’
- Virgil, Georgics, square capitals, Italian, 4th century(?): Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica, Vat. lat. 3256 (‘Vergilius Augusteus’), fol. 2r (right-hand page, first 15 lines, ‘Quis … fumus’)
- Virgil, Aeneid, rustic caps, from Rome, c.400: Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica, Vat. lat. 3225 (‘Vergilius Vaticanus’), fol. 27v (lines 4–end, ‘prosequitur … cursus’)
25 January
- Uncial and Half-Uncial
- Nomina sacra
- Scribes and Scholars, ch. 3
- Bischoff, ‘Latin handwriting in the Middle Ages’
- Bischoff, ‘Roman and Christian antiquity’
- Eugippius, Excerpta ex operibus s. Augustini, half-uncial, Italian, 7th century: Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica, Vat. lat. 3375, fol. 30r (lines 1–16, ‘rem stupendus … celsitudo tu es’)
- Vulgate Bible, uncial, from Wearmouth-Jarrow, c.700: Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Amiatino 1 (‘Codex Amiatinus’), fol. 50r (first column)
1 February
- Pre- and Early Carolingian Minuscules
- Describing a manuscript
- Scribes and Scholars, ch. 4
- Bischoff, ‘Supplement’: Abbreviation, Punctuation, Musical Notation
- Bischoff, ‘The early Middle Ages’
- Ambrosiaster, commentary on Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthians, Corbie AB minuscule, from northern France, late 8th–early 9th century: London, British Library, Harley MS 3063, fol. 39v (lines 1–13, Paulus … repperitur)
- Mozarabic lectionary, Visigothic minuscule, from Burgos (northern Spain), 10th century, London, British Library, Add. MS 30844, fol. 40v (column 1, lines 2–22, ‘Epistula … a patre’)
8 February
- Carolingian Minuscule
- Scribes and Scholars, ch. 5
- Bischoff, ‘The Carolingian period’
- Augustine, Retractiones, Carolingian minuscule, possibly from Tours, Central France, 820s–840s: London, British Library Harley MS 3012, fol. 2r (lines 3–15: ‘Augustinus. Quomodo … supradixeris.’)
- Benedict, Rule, Carolingian minuscule, from St Gall, mid-ninth century: St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 914, p. 16 (lines 1–14, ‘Abbas … spargatur’)
15 February
- The Apparatus Criticus
- Punctuation
- Tarrant, Introduction
- Tarrant, ‘Textual criticism in a post-heroic age’
- Tarrant, ‘Reading a critical apparatus’ (skim this: a reference chapter)
- Scribes and Scholars, ch. 6 (optional: Tarrant covers this in more depth)
- Beatus of Liébana, commentary on the Apocalypse, late Benevantan script, from southern Italy, late 11th or early 12th century: Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. lat. 357, fol. 152r (column 1, lines 1–25, ‘Quid faciet … reseruauimus;’)
- Alan of Tewkesbury, collection of the letters of Thomas Becket, protogothic script, from Cirencester, Gloucestershire, 1180s–90s: London, British Library, Cotton MS Claudius B. ii, fol. 17r (column 2, lines 1–20, ‘Iohannes … illas.’)
- 22 February
- No class for reading week
- 27 February
- Passion of Perpetua and Felicity transcriptions due
1 March
- Protogothic
- Dealing with Textual Variation
- Tarrant, ‘The rhetoric of textual criticism/textual criticism as rhetoric’
- Bischoff, ‘From the tenth to the twelfth Century’
The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity 5, ‘Post paucos dies … a me contristatus’:
- Soissons, 10th century: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 17626, fols 65v–66r
- St Gallen, 9th–10th century: St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 577, p. 167, second column
- England, late 11th century–early 12th century: London, British Library, Cotton MS Nero E. i/1, fol. 162v, end of column–beginning of column 2
For manuscript descriptions, see Thomas J. Heffernan, The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), Appendix I: Manuscripts and Editions.
8 March
- Late Carolingian scripts
- Gothic Textualis
- Perpetua and Felicity edition due
- Tarrant, ‘Establishing the text 1: recension’
- Bischoff, ‘The late Middle Ages’
- Hildegard von Bingen, Sciuias, protogothic, from County Palatine of the Rhine, 1180s: Wiesbaden, Hessische Landesbibliothek, MS 2 (‘Riesencodex’), fol. 3r (column 1, lines 1–20, ‘Incipit … compositionis’)
- Carmina burana, Gothic, from northern Italy, 1230s: Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 4660, fol. 1r (all text below the illustration)
15 March
- Gothic Cursive
- Group edition draft due
- Tarrant, ‘Establishing the text 2: conjecture’
- Bischoff, ‘Writing and copying’
- John Capgrave, De illustribus Henricis, Gothic Cursiva libraria, from King’s Lynn, 1440–47: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 408, p. 1 (lines 1–11, ‘Henrico … terre’)
- Giles of Rome, De regimine principum, Gothic Cursiva formata, 1460–80: Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. lat. 92, fol. 1r (column 1 (all)–column 2, lines 1–6 ‘⟨Ex r⟩egia … mensurari.’)
- 17 March
- Drop date
22 March
- Gothic Hybrida and Semihybrida
- Tarrant, ‘Establishing the text 3: interpolation, collaboration, and intertextuality’
- Tarrant, ‘Textual criticism and literary criticism: the case of Propertius’ (mostly a collection of examples that you can skim)
- Denis the Carthusian, Exhortatorium nouitiorum, Gothic Hybrida formata, from Basel, 2nd half of the 15th century: Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, MS A VII 30, fol. 1r (lines 1–14, ‘Cristus. Nemo … es?’)
- Nicolaus de Dybin (?), Sporta florum rethoricalium, Semihybrida, written by Albertus Löffler at the Dominican Monastery of Basel, 1438–9: Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, MS F VI 61, fol. 27r (lines 1–16, ‘Ingredientibus … prospexi’)
29 March
- Humanist Minuscule and Cursive
- The Beginnings of Print
- Tarrant, ‘Presenting the text: the critical edition and its discontents’
- Bischoff, ‘The age of humanism’
- Eusebius Caesariensis, Prosper de Aquitania, Chronicon, Humanist minuscule, from Florence, c.1410: Kantonsbibliothek, Vadianische Sammlung, VadSlg Ms. 298, fol. 2r (first column, lines 1–19, ‘Adiuro … absoluerent.’)
- Carmen ad Cosmum de Medicis directum, Humanist cursive, from Italy, second half of the 15th century: Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, MS F IX 2, fol. 7r (lines 1–16, ‘Cosme … facis’)
5 April
- Manuscripts in the Early Modern Period
- Group edition due
- Tarrant, ‘The future: problems and prospects’